A Musical Score is a catalyst. To fully complete a vision...to combine words, images and sound effects with music...requires an understanding that goes beyond the simple matching of ideas with catchy melodies and orchestration. Moving a vision to the next level requires much more...the wisdom and compassion of a composer who cares and contributes those ineffable ingredients that allow writers, directors and producers to discover their ideas anew.
Please take a moment and listen...
Please take a moment to experience what he has done for others and consider what he can to do for you.
Gary Roché Music Production
There is a joyful moment when all who have labored to make a production great know it will be a success. It comes when a beautifully written script and painstakingly rendered images are wedded to the unifying force of music.
Gary Roché has had the privilege of sharing this gratifying moment with clients for over 25 years. Taking commercials, documentaries, promotional videos and branding campaigns to the next level is his stock in trade.